KO Digest
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  • KO this is unreal anything to try and stay relevent. Tyson offered 20 million. And people talk about it like pigs in the trough. And they do not know that is all they want the boxing promoters and managers and all involved in boxing. Keep the boxing talk out there. Make people follow and believe anything until the garbage starts to roll out. NO NAME fighters who will fight in other countries or in sterile envirourments. And the talk will be look what we are doing for the fans. It is for you people. Not one gets it. I could go on but I saw a post or something about Tyson. Tht man can not get a joint out of his mouth and the crazy other drugs and at his age see there I go talking about it. Insanity strikes again. had to mention it.
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    KO Digest
    KO Digest
    Boxing holds nothing for me now.

    Other than its past.
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