NFL 2017 Predictions


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OK folks the NFL is gonna get started here in a bit. Is this another Tom Brady year?

Im a Raider fan and Carr had an awesome year but I am gonna want to seem him do it again. Shame he got hurt last year any year this millenium that the Raiders are relevant is a good year.

I know a certain someone out there is a Ptriot fan, hopefully some other clubs get represented here lol.
I am Browns fan and confidently I say there is no where to go but up this year. The one prediction I make that will almost certainly come true.
Bring back Brian Sipe..... Really lol I dont think I can name 10-15 NFL players these days, but the 80s and 90s lol that is a different story....
NY Giants running game will shock the NFL. Manning will throw for most yards in a season in his career. Pats and Giants will go to the show once again.
Im OK with that the Giants do well against the Pats if they get there. Seems to me there was a lot of talk last year until they fell flat on their faces....
They lost some key folks to injury. I believe the Raiders went down in the wildcard game just like the Giants and again due to key player injuries.
I don't like or root for the Patriots.....but they will win the division and probably be the 1st or 2nd seed in the AFC. I can't think of why might be their biggest threat in the conference. So I'm thinking they're going back to the Super Bowl. I'm a Dolphins fan and that is very frustrating.
I don't like or root for the Patriots.....but they will win the division and probably be the 1st or 2nd seed in the AFC. I can't think of why might be their biggest threat in the conference. So I'm thinking they're going back to the Super Bowl. I'm a Dolphins fan and that is very frustrating.

Switch to the Pats. Stay with a winner. Greatest coach and qb in history---yes--even better than the Eagles of Steve Van Buren. Pats = dynasty. Deal with it.
Switch to the Pats. Stay with a winner. Greatest coach and qb in history---yes--even better than the Eagles of Steve Van Buren. Pats = dynasty. Deal with it.

How'd that workout Ted? Pederson out coached Belichick and Foles was nearly as good as Brady during the game and showed better hands! b